Why do cacti need to be grafted?

Why do cacti need to be grafted?

1. Grafting is a simple and feasible asexual reproduction method.
Some cactus species that do not bloom or are difficult to bloom in cultivation, and even in their original country, it is difficult to obtain seeds for sowing and reproduction, while cutting propagation is also not easy to take root. In this case, using grafting propagation has become a more practical and reliable breeding method for this type of cactus plant.
2. Promote growth and development, and enhance ornamental value.
Some cactus plants have underdeveloped root systems and grow very slowly in cultivation if grown from their own roots. The use of grafting cultivation can significantly promote robust plant growth and flowering. Many species, especially during the seedling stage, grow slowly and are prone to premature death. The use of grafting technology can make the growth rate of seedlings that are sown and sprouted astonishing. After one year of grafting cultivation, seedlings can achieve effects that are difficult to achieve even after several years of rooting growth.
3. Special horticultural varieties must be grafted.
Many cactus horticultural varieties have colors such as red, yellow, and white but lack green. Although these color changing varieties have great ornamental value, they cannot undergo photosynthesis or are greatly affected during photosynthesis, resulting in limited growth and often difficult to produce root systems; Therefore, grafting cultivation can only be used to rely on the nutritional growth and development of green rootstock water. Some deformed variants also often exhibit their characteristics through grafting techniques, highlighting their ornamental value.
4. Grafting is used for temporary emergency treatment of precious varieties.
Those who are lacking are precious, and the so-called precious varieties must belong to those who are scarce in quantity or are prone to death or injury. When the roots or stems of some beloved precious cacti decay or are accidentally damaged, cultivators can use the undamaged top as a scion for timely grafting, which can save them and preserve them.
5. Grafting can be used for collecting varieties and long-distance transportation.
When new varieties of seeds or stems are collected from other places, their tender texture often worries the introducers, fearing that they may not be safe to carry over long distances. For safety reasons, a cylindrical cactus stem can be used as a rootstock without roots, which can be grafted first and then carried along. When returning home, the cuttings with scions can be used for cutting. Because the juice stored in rootless rootstocks can prevent scions from being damaged after detaching from the mother plant; After the rootstock cuttings take root, the scion has already healed before the cuttings.
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